Do the students at your school
✔️ Struggle to get organized?
✔️ Feel overwhelmed with school, responsibilities and high expectations?
✔️ Feel anxious about social situations?
✔️ Deal with difficult family issues?
✔️ Have a lot of fears, worries or self-doubt?
They like who they are and who they are becoming.
They are more likely to be leaders, self-motivated, and hold others accountable for treating them (and others) with respect.
Crush the road blocks of self doubt.
They don't let fear of failure or other people's opinions stop them from trying new things or doing hard things.
They bounce back from failure, critics and strong emotions.
They have higher standards, get better grades, and achieve more.
As an Inspirational Speaker & Resilience Coach for teens & families, Jenny Krumdrick is an expert at equipping students to manage their stress so they can thrive. Jenny brings contagious energy to engage and inspire youth with practical social emotional and mental health resiliency skills so they know their worth, think positively about themselves and pursue their purpose without fear or self doubt!
Jenny empowers students, teachers, and parents of junior high and high school communities with exceptionally fun & impacting workshops and pep-rallies.
Jenny's energy and stories engage participants, allow them to reflect on their own lives and compel them to adopt a growth mindset, learn new skills and take action.
⭐️ Recognize their unconditional worth & irreplaceable value
⭐️ Recalibrate negative thoughts into more positive thoughts
⭐️ Practice self care so they strengthen their mental health
⭐️ Manage stress and reduce feeling overwhelmed
⭐️ Overcome procrastination & manage time/energy
⭐️ Foster healthy friendships & set high standards
Let's build something with a LASTING IMPACT for your entire community!
Teens need a simple way to practice the skills they need to THRIVE.
To build upon the in-person session, students, teachers--and even parents--receive access to a private and customizable module on the Self-Love Club App. The short and engaging videos and simple exercises make practicing the skills easy & fun.
This free app has a free coaching course to help students manage their stress so they can THRIVE!
Students and parents can access the short videos & helpful exercises on a smart phone, computer or tablet.
What parent has time to read parenting books or listen to parenting podcasts when they're juggling work, driving kids around to extracurriculars, and managing the busy-ness of life?
Where do they even start?
Often, teens DON'T TELL parents that they are struggling.
Many students keep their on-line life and at-school life separate from home life so parents don't always know who they are connecting with and what they're engaging in.
How can they help a problem they don't know about?
Most parents don't have a support network to tap into for guidance or resources. Feeling alone and unsupported can cause families to lose hope.
Where can they find community & hope?
Jenny equips parents with the strategies they need to help their kids with coaching courses and workshops designed for parents. Plus, parents get access to all the short videos & helpful exercises their kids have--on a smart phone, computer or tablet.
What are the biggest challenges your students are facing right now?
How do the parents in your community need support for raising resilient and healthy youth?
Book a call to discuss scheduling:
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