
Equip your kids & teens to THRIVE

Socially, emotionally, academically & personally

The Self Love Club app equips parents & teaches youth how to:
📚 manage the stress of school,
💪 be resilient with strong emotions &
🤩 handle friendship drama
This app for families makes connecting & growing together fast, easy & FUN!

Download the Self-Love Club app 

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"During This LIVE Presentation

We'll Show You The Funnel AND Help You To Customize It For Yourself So You Can Start Generating More Of Your Dream Clients By The Time The Web-class Is Over!!!"

Starts Live


NOTE: I'll Show You This New Software Feature LIVE, And Then Give You A Copy For FREE! )

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Being a tween or teenager

in this fast-paced digital world can be overwhelming & exhausting!

Does your tween/teen:

Have social anxiety?

Feeling the pressure to fit in and deal with negative peer influences can leave teenagers feeling inadequate or overwhelmed.
Do they:
✔️ Compare themselves to others?
✔️ Pretend to have it all together?
✔️ Make bad decisions to seek approval?

Struggle with academics? 

When students procrastinate, feel totally overwhelmed/disorganized, or have unique learning needs, school feels EXTRA hard.
Do they:
✔️ Hate school?
✔️ Have morning meltdowns?
✔️ Seem unmotivated or lazy with their work?

Frustrate YOU?

Connecting with teens that are not open to listening and actively disengage is infuriating!
Do they:
✔️ Have a sassy "whatever" attitude?
✔️ Slams doors or yells?
✔️ Isolates with screens?

As a parent, you want your tween/teen to:

Like who they are

and believe in themself!

Cultivate healthy friendships

that build them up!

Have academic success

by strengthening their focus, initiative & responsiblity!

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Meet Jenny Krumdrick

Expert at helping students THRIVE

I was a mom before I became a life coach.  

I know what it's like to feel helpless when your son or daughter falls apart from the pressure and stress of school, [lack of] friendships, and inner self doubt.  

I went from a struggling parent with a failing kid to a life coach that is obsessed with helping entire families become confident, resilient and successful TOGETHER.

As an Inspirational Speaker & Resilience Coach for teens & parents, I am an expert at equipping students to manage their stress so they can thrive.  I work closely with parents too because we all need support and strategies to raise teens that are healthy and happy.

In order for tweens & teens to thrive, they need skills & strategies to:

🥰 Recognize their unconditional worth & irreplaceable value
​⤴️ Recalibrate negative thoughts into more positive thoughts
💝 Cultivate gratitude and a "magnetic" attitude
📚 Manage stress and reduce feeling overwhelmed
⏰ Overcome procrastination & manage time/energy
⭐️ Foster healthy friendships & set high standards

Mastering skills takes practice. 

Self Love Club is the app for that helps students THRIVE!

This free 4-part Coaching Course has been designed especially for teens (ages 10-18) to help them think positively about themselves, handle school stuff more strategically and cultivate even better friendships.
​Parents and/or teens can participate in FREE group coaching sessions!

Part 1:
​Where'You At?

⭐️ Help participants embrace a growth mindset
⭐️ Practice growing in awareness

​✔️ Awareness (of stress, emotions & thoughts)
✔️Practice PAUSING & reflecting
✔️ Get curious
✔️ Choose gratitude

Part 2:
​Switching Up Your Vibe

⭐️ Help participants recognize their worth is unconditional & unchanging
⭐️ Begin to elevate self image to match your worth

​✔️ Intentionally choosing positive thoughts (by flipping negative ones)
✔️ Choosing gratitude and progress (over perfection)

Part 3:
​Strategies for Academic Success

⭐️ Help participants ignite their motivation for self discipline
⭐️ Provide various strategies to help them focus, get organized & do the work

​✔️ Initiative & Motivation
​✔️ Organization
​✔️ Creating a "Best Case Scenario"

Part 4:
​Cultivating Great Friendships

⭐️ Set a high standard for healthy & genuinely good friends
⭐️ Become a great friend that will attract like-minded peers

​✔️ Having high standards
✔️ ​Connecting & communicating to make new friends 

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Download the Self Love Club app

Students and parents can access the short videos & helpful exercises on a smart phone, computer or tablet.


Parents love it because their kids love it.

Let's be honest: if young people didn't like it, they wouldn't do it.

But they like it and they do it... and it WORKS!

Junior high student

"Jenny’s confidence in what I can accomplish totally boosted my self esteem. She not only encouraged me, but her app was extremely helpful in helping me learn how to be confident, organize, cultivate great relationships, and manage my time so much better! When I started, I thought I didn’t need this. Now, looking back, I realize how wrong I was. I love this app and would definitely recommend it!" --Francesca

Young adult

I love Jenny's cheerful energy and the stories she tells. I enjoy the reflection and also taking a moment to stop and stay in the present. Overall I'm excited to see what strategies and advice this can give to me." --Sarah

Single mom with two teens

 "As a single mom raising two teenagers, Jenny's workshops are so helpful for me! She provides easy-to-use strategies I can share with my kids to navigate their school struggles, friend drama and personal issues. I love the app because it puts everything in one place." --Patrice

Parents, are you concerned about the impact of social media & excessive screens on your tween/teen?

Too much screen time has devastating impacts on kids' BRAINS, decreases their ability to focus, and wrecks their mental health & relationships!

FREE Parent Workshop: Social Media & Screen Safety

Protect your kids & teens before technology takes control of & ruins their life!

✔️ Learn how teens can THRIVE despite being inundated with soul-sucking & addiction-causing technology.

✔️ Activate the SUPERPOWER you already have that will save your teen from letting technology ruin their life. 

✔️ Practice the three essential skills to strengthen teens’ resilience against excessive tech, toxic culture and internal self doubt.

Tuesday, February 18th @ 7:00 pm CST

"During This LIVE Presentation

We'll Show You The Funnel AND Help You To Customize It For Yourself So You Can Start Generating More Of Your Dream Clients By The Time The Web-class Is Over!!!"

Starts Live


NOTE: I'll Show You This New Software Feature LIVE, And Then Give You A Copy For FREE! )

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What if your tween/teen strengthened their resilience?

How would you like Jenny to help you?

Get To Know Jenny Better

She's obsessed with helping teens thrive


If you are a mom who wants to feel Fully Alive, this is for you!

🥰 You deserve some "YOU" time to fill your cup!
💝 When you prioritize self care, you can give from a place of abundance, instead of exhaustion or depletion
⏰ Now is your time to join a friendly group of growth-minded women for the support, encouragement and strategies you need to be fully alive!

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